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Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: wtorek, 23 października 2012, 01:23
autor: Veda
The Golden Compass Daemon Test: ... aemon-test

:arrow: Definiujemy "dajmony"

:arrow: Carl Jung i dajmony

:arrow: Sokrates i Dajmon

Mój wynik:
Ten test robiłam już sześciokrotnie w ciągu roku i to czwarty raz wyszedł mi "Independent Soul", prócz tego były jeszcze: "Quiet Loner Soul" oraz "Solitary Trickster."

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: wtorek, 23 października 2012, 13:53
autor: Cotta
Też mi wyszło Independent Soul.


You scored -15% on Extroversion, higher than 6% of your peers.
You scored 3% on Sensitivity, higher than 71% of your peers.
You scored -7% on Openness, higher than 23% of your peers.

(Te z minusami są po lewej stronie maksimum rozkładu, to na plusie - po prawej.)

A z tego:

Suggested forms: Peregrine Falcon, Snowy Owl, Snow Leopard, Siberian Tiger, Osprey.

... to wybieram tygryska. ^^

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: wtorek, 23 października 2012, 15:48
autor: muahahaha
też Independent Soul...dziwny ten test, wszystkim wychodzi to samo :D
podobał mi się styl w jakim napisano pytania/odpowiedzi, mniej nudne niż w zwykłych testach

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: wtorek, 23 października 2012, 18:37
autor: kangur
Quiet Loner Soul, ale nie wiem co to demony :lol:

piątki bardziej niezależne od 4, a 4 bardziej samotna od 5, cóz to się dzieje ;)
Suggested form: Lizard, Gecko, Manatee, Tree Kangaroo, Grass Snake
Wychodzi na jaw mój gadzi (płazi?) umysł :P . I kangur.

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: wtorek, 23 października 2012, 20:47
autor: jouziou
Multi-Faceted Soul
ładnie podsumowane ;3
Suggested forms: Swan, Elephant, Koala, Panda, Chameleon, Wolf.
zamiast zdjęcia które mi wyskoczyło przy wyniku
bardziej adekwatne do nazwy tego typu (?) byłoby:
( :mrgreen: )

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: wtorek, 23 października 2012, 21:43
autor: In3orn
Multi-Faceted Soul

In a way, you are a truly balanced person. You have a good sense of self, but you have periods of worry and self doubt. You don't like to be alone a lot, but you don't like being constantly surrounded, either. You can be shy in some situations and bold in others. You can tell people how you feel, but you don't wear your heart on your sleeve. You aren't "TOO" anything: You aren't too shy, you aren't too aggressive, you aren't too extroverted, you aren't too introverted. However at any one time you can be any combination of these things.

You tend to adapt yourself to match the situations in which you find yourself. You may be quiet and sensitive with some people, or joking and loud with others. These are all facets of your personality. People tend to perceive you as they want to perceive you. They may even tend to idealize you a bit. Then, when you do something that doesn't fit their concept of who you are (like have an outburst of anger, or a fit of shyness, or make an insensitive joke)they can be shocked and surprised. Does anyone know the real you?

Your daemon would represent your multi-faceted and ever-changing personality, as well as people's tendency to idealize you. He or she would get angry when you did not, be calm and poised when you felt ruffled and anxious, and always be the voice of emotion and reason in your ear.

Suggested forms: Swan, Elephant, Koala, Panda, Chameleon, Wolf.

Hmm, chyba jestem szablonową 9...

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: wtorek, 23 października 2012, 23:24
autor: bodzios
Gruff Soul
You are a bold and fearless person, with a strong sense of self. People, especially people who don't know you well, might think that you are unfeeling or callous, but your loved ones know that you are a loyal and fierce friend. Your loyalty does not come easily, though. People need to earn your affection and respect.

You like to be with your favourite people, but you don't have much patience for the rest of humanity. Even your close friends and family can drive you crazy some times, so you need your space from them every now and then. You often hide your feelings behind offensive or rude jokes, and you rarely let your true feelings shine through. If an emotion does shine through, it is likely to be masked as aggression or through a joke.

Your daemon's form would represent your clannish, loyal nature, your self confidence and your aggressive, joking exterior. He or she would probably help you mock the people whom you dislike and disrespect.

Suggested form: Hyena, Coati, Maned Wolf, Raven, Dingo.

You scored -3% on Extroversion, higher than 36% of your peers.
You scored -11% on Sensitivity, higher than 18% of your peers.
You scored -13% on Openness, higher than 11% of your peers.
Nie dość, że całkiem zabawne i nieźle zrobione, to jeszcze wynik zdecydowanie się zgadza. :)

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: środa, 24 października 2012, 09:08
autor: IstariDreamer
Shy Secretive Soul
Form suggestions: Spider, Opossum, Lady Bug, Snake

You scored -14% on Extroversion, higher than 7% of your peers.
You scored 11% on Sensitivity, higher than 93% of your peers.
You scored -19% on Openness, higher than 4% of your peers.

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: środa, 24 października 2012, 16:11
autor: tyurangalila
A to ciekawe, wyszło mi to samo, co In3orn, choć nie poczuwam się typową 9 :roll: W przyszłości zrobię sobie ten test jeszcze raz :)
You scored -2% on Extroversion, higher than 39% of your peers.
You scored 2% on Sensitivity, higher than 67% of your peers.
You scored -6% on Openness, higher than 26% of your peers.

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: środa, 24 października 2012, 16:52
autor: Litowojonow
Quiet Loner Soul
Suggested form: Lizard, Gecko, Manatee, Tree Kangaroo, Grass Snake.

You scored -15% on Extroversion, higher than 6% of your peers.
You scored 0% on Sensitivity, higher than 59% of your peers.
You scored -24% on Openness, higher than 1% of your peers.

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: środa, 24 października 2012, 22:11
autor: Shirayo
Distant Loner Soul

You scored -18% on Extroversion, higher than 3% of your peers.

You scored -17% on Sensitivity, higher than 7% of your peers.

You scored -18% on Openness, higher than 5% of your peers.

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: środa, 24 października 2012, 22:58
autor: Elkora
Calm Thoughtful Soul

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: czwartek, 25 października 2012, 16:19
autor: Ninque
Regal Soul 8-)
ale ogólnie nie jestem do tego przekonana :|

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: niedziela, 28 października 2012, 10:50
autor: Grin_land
kolejne Multi-Faceted Soul
czuje się taka nijaka.
Ze zwierzątek oczywiście słoń,
albo wilk
albo koala...
pandy też są fajne, miałam taką dużą pluszową pandę jak byłam mała ^^

Re: Odkryj swojego dajmona - test

: niedziela, 28 października 2012, 13:28
autor: Snufkin
To samo co kangur.